Interested in
Puppy Classes?
Why not book a free discovery call?
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Puppies (under 6 months)

The first year of your pups life is by far the most important. Our puppy classes offer support like no other, with access to award winning trainers throughout the course we know you will get the puppy you always dreamed of.

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Private Sessions

Maybe you did puppy classes elsewhere? Maybe you have tried everything and still want to crack some of the training issues you are having, well we are the last dog trainers you will ever need.

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On Demand

Don’t wait for spaces to become available, get help you need instantly with our ‘on demand’ content. This is a great introduction into Delders Dogs and a perfect way to get the help you need today.

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No more puppy biting

Do you have a puppy that is picking on one member of the family? Do you feel like the puppy is becoming aggressive with its play biting? Do you have children and want to ensure you are doing things right?
Our book No More Puppy Biting is here to save you.

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The MK Dog Friendly Guide

The definitive dog owners guide to Milton Keynes – The MK Dog Friendly Guide.

Milton Keynes is full of gems and is a great place to own a dog. This guide is updated annually and provides you with a few places to get started on your journey.

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3 Big Mistakes

Is your dog perfect off lead? Have you tried traditional recall training but it hasn’t worked? Is your dog fine around zero distractions but a nightmare around their kryptonite? The 3 Big Mistakes is you saviour when it comes to recall. Find out the 3 big recall mistakes that ALL dog owners make.

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Hello, I'm Adam Delderfield, founder of Delders Dogs in Milton Keynes

Our Mission


Do you have a puppy that is picking on one member of the family? Do you feel like the puppy is becoming aggressive with its play biting? Do you have children and want to ensure you are doing things right?
Our book No More Puppy Biting is here to save you.
The definitive dog owners guide to Milton Keynes – The MK Dog Friendly Guide
Is your dog perfect off lead? Have you tried traditional recall training but it hasn’t worked? Is your dog fine around zero distractions but a nightmare around their kryptonite? The 3 Big Mistakes is you saviour when it comes to recall. Find out the 3 big recall mistakes that ALL dog owners make.  

Puppy start

Puppy start

We have 2 levels of classes. Foundation and Progression.

Classes are the best way to pick up information, meet other owners and have your puppy socialise in a safe environment. Soclisation is not just puppy play, and its too important to not get it right. 

Predict & Prevent

Predict & Prevent

Prevention IS the cure when it comes to puppies

Dont wait and hope for the best. Book a discovery call with us and find out why we do what we do. When it comes to Puppy Classes it doesn't get better than ours.  

On Demand

On Demand

Lets face it, times have changed

I always thought in person was the only way to go. But lockdown and Covid proved that for many reasons, online learning has a place in the world and can offer instant support

Puppy Classes

Puppy Classes

We have 2 levels of classes. Foundation and Progression.

We don't just offer a 5 week course learning sit stays and pretending that a puppy free for all is "socialisation". We help people get the dog they always dreamed of.

Interested in puppy classes?
Why not book a free discovery call?

Why puppies? When I started dog training I found most trainers started with puppies, learnt basic skills then moved onto more complex cases. Now, while I understand you dont send a novice to a bite case, it made no sence to me that all the "good" trainers move on from puppies and deal with adult dogs. Surely we need to 'stop the bleed'!! If all the best trainers in the world ran puppy classes then we wouldnt have to pick up the pices when the dogs are older. This is why we do what we do at Delders Dogs and why we have so much sucess. we are the best of the best and give our all to every single person who comes through our doors.  

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Club Orange
Check out our VIP area for you and your dog.
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